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Buy it in a sentence

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Sentence count:144+9Posted:2017-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: buyinginstallment buyingby itselfplay it safeplay it by earbuybuy outbuy upMeaning: v. be killed or die;. 
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31. You should look at that house before you decide to buy it.
32. If I see something that tickles my fancy, I'm going to buy it.
33. Look at the machine quite carefully before you buy it.
34. Buy it then(, but don't blame me when it breaks down.
35. I gave the book a quick scan, and decided not to buy it.
36. I don't know whether people will buy it or not.
37. Have the house surveyed before you decide whether to buy it.
38. Should you buy a home from Lovell, the company promises to buy it back at the same price after three years.
39. It's not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less.
40. You could say you were ill but I don't think they'd buy it .
41. He sold the car in 1949 for £400. To buy it back last year cost £31000.
42. If it costs more than $60, I won't buy it.
43. Always try a sleeping bag for size before you buy it.
44. The surveyor went over the house thoroughly and advised us not to buy it.
45. If you see something that tickles your fancy, I'll buy it for you.
46. His father told him not to buy it[Sentencedict], but he bought it anyhow.
47. 'Let me buy it for you.' 'That's very kind of you, but I couldn't possibly .'
48. Who to buy it for: clever people 7.
49. You can buy it from florists.
50. But it captures their imagination, and they want to buy it.
51. I tried to buy it, but the guy wasn't interested.
52. We could tell him it was an accident, but he'd never buy it.
53. But if parents buy it for the child the dividend is considered part of the parents income.
54. The company lobbied Congress in the hope of being able to buy it directly from the commission without competitive bidding.
55. Tropical fruit used to be hard to find, but now you can buy it anywhere.
56. When he made one for himself, a customer would buy it.
57. We now have to buy it from our petty cash.
58. A good time to add an item, of course, is when you buy it and the receipt is nearby.
59. Doubts came rushing in as she stared at her reflection, wondering what on earth had possessed her to buy it.
60. If I didn't take the car, the other guy was willing to buy it sight unseen.
More similar words: buyinginstallment buyingby itselfplay it safeplay it by earbuybuy outbuy upbuy offbuyerimpulse buy
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